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What do we teach others about Christianity?

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 2:36 am
by troach
What do we teach others about Christianity?
By: Timothy Roach

As Christians what are we teaching others about our faith?

I do not mean in a formal setting like at a Bible study, in church or some other safe setting.

I am talking about what do we teach others about what it is to be a Christian when we are driving by ourself, shopping by ourself or even when we are at work doing our job not speaking to anyone.

At first I'm sure many people would say, "There is no one around, we are not teaching anyone anything."

However, please consider this, there are very few things we do that are not observed in some way directly or indirectly by someone.

Believe it or not, most everything we do teaches others what it means to be a Christian or what kind of Christian we are.

For many the only thing they will ever know about Christianity are the observed actions, or inactions, of people claiming to be Christian.

How often do you suppose they say ,"I wish there were more people like that?"

Or are they more likely to say, "If that is what Christianity is about then I want nothing to do with it."

As Christians we are always teaching others what it means to be a Christian even when we think no one is watching.