in islam . . . what is halal food?

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in islam . . . what is halal food?

Post by transferedposts » Mon Mar 09, 2015 2:43 pm

I see a lot of groups talking about halal food in Islam but what exactly makes food halal or OK for Muslims to eat?

I know it deals with the preparation and/or the types of food but I am looking for more exact information.

Can anyone here help?

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Re: in islam . . . what is halal food?

Post by transferedposts » Mon Mar 09, 2015 2:45 pm

Let me start by explaining why very few groups give any exact answers regarding what makes food halal or not in Islam.

There are many rules regarding EVERY aspect of the food that must be followed in order to be considered halal. For instance with animals what the animal eats to how it is slaughtered to how it is prepared to how it is cooked.

Something that is important to note especially with the groups being required to get the certifications. Much of the processing (even ordering and shipping) MUST be done by a MUSLIM or a person submissive to Islam. This is where a lot of the controversy regarding American companies getting the halal certification. For the companies will be required/forced to hire based on a person's religious affiliation. In many ways forcing the company to fall under Islamic control in order to get and maintain the Halal certification.

For instance in order for meat to be truly halal it must be slaughtered by a Muslim in a certain way (I will talk more about that in a later reply post).

I know we have not given you any specific information yet.

The way we are going to answer your question in greater detail is tackle several areas in different replies. For instance, meat, veggies, handling, etc. so this will probably be an on going topic as we find more information on different things.

It is a good question but it is also one that is going to take a time to answer.

Also note we are not even going to attempt to cover all the areas regarding halal food are just to many rules but we will try to cover some of the highlights.

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Re: in islam . . . what is halal food?

Post by transferedposts » Mon Mar 09, 2015 2:46 pm

Normally I would not use opinion based articles but in this case Ms. Hood does make valid statements and does quote accurately her sources.

I have added some comments to clarify some terms or points with in the article found within [brackets].

Copied from

By Tracy Hood
What is Halal?

America is beginning to see the introduction of halal certified food products
and certified companies thus the need for this exposition.

Halal is Arabic and translates to legal or permitted. Haram translates
to forbidden and mushbooh translates to unknown. Food has to be prepared a certain way to meet Sharia Law/ Halal standards.

Halal is not necessarily only a food item but it can also define an individual as well as an individual company. For example, a tomato is halal, but it may not be processed according to Sharia Law thus making it haram or mushbooh.

In order for a company, which is defined as farms, ranches, fisheries, and food processing plants, to become Halal Certified, another process has to take place, which we will discuss that later.

Don't think that halal only applies to food. It also applies to all non-food
products such as lotions, hair sprays, make-up, etc.

However let's just focus on food. Halal foods are foods that have no pork,
blood, or alcohol within the product. If the food product is a meat then halal extends to how it is processed. The animal has to be alive at the time the animal is slaughtered.

This answers the question as to why Muslims want certification on fish and
poultry products.

Sharia law demands that food processors add other components in order to get the Halal Certification of the product, or the company itself which includes the Halal Certification logo, see below

To get a certification, a company must:

Have Halal employees [Muslims or people submissive to Islam and Sharia Law] who are involved in the production which "includes the person in charge, those who order the raw materials, and those in charge of packaging." In other words, the company must hire halal compliant employees. (Does this mean the company can only hire Koranic observant Muslims or will employees of the company have to submit to Sharia compliant rules including conversion to Islam?)

Slaughter the animal according to Sharia Law. This means that the animal is either hung up, or placed in a position so that the head is pointing towards Mecca, alive, and then ONLY a Muslim can take a sharp knife, and slice its jugular vein allowing the beast to be drained of its blood while a Muslim of "sound mind" screeches "Allah akbar" (Allah is greatest) over the animal. [By the way this is a very slow and very painful death for the animal]

Once the animal has been drained of blood then the animal is processed in a plant free from pork, blood, or alcohol processing.

Not only do companies have to comply with the rules above but they will also have to change recipes they may have had for 100 years or more. The Campbell's Soup Company, which was established in 1922, or the Cocoa Cola Company which became incorporated in 1892 will have to strip itself of the way they do business. Companies seeking halal standards will have to have an entire wing just to deal with halal standards i.e. hiring, building of plants, food processing, etc. This begs the question: Will these companies have to submit to Sharia compliant financing as well including giving zakat? [Zakat is an obligatory tax required of Muslims. I suspect the writer meant jizyah which is a poll tax/submission tax/protection tax for non-muslims to show submission to Islam.]

Currently, if an observant Muslim wants to know if a food product is halal they can go to one of two websites,

1. the Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of America's website,
2. the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA).

The customer can scan the 100s of products listed for halal status and or
certification. ISNA IS working towards advancing its cause of certifying as
many Canadian and American companies as possible.

One argument they use is:

"Islam is the fastest growing religion, and the American Muslim population is growing, thus, don't you want to get involved with this yearly 170 billion dollar market? Sure you do! Here's how to do it!"

What they don't tell you at the time of the company's multicultural submission is that the companies have to build set apart plants and hire only Muslims.

The companies named above are going Halal in European markets including Canada.

McDonald's Company just announced that its British stores are
selling halal products. When this writer wrote to the American McDonald's
Company announcing her boycott of all future McDonald's sales, the
representative stated

"McDonald's USA has no connection to the European menu selections."

A closer examination of her assertion states otherwise as the stock isn't
segregated by national markets and that it is still ALL one global company, so make sure when you write to any of these companies be aware of this future talking point.

In conclusion, what starts in Europe soon becomes advanced on the North
American continent and I for one, will not spend my money on products that comply with a regressive political ideology that wants to do to me, and what was done to Nick Berg [and many others], in the same manner that they slaughter their meat.

Source: ... merica.php

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Re: in islam . . . what is halal food?

Post by transferedposts » Mon Mar 09, 2015 2:48 pm

Like every thing in Islam this certification is about submission to Islam / control by Islam. In this case the vast majority of the “special needs” for Muslims with this certification is not about how the food is prepared but WHO prepares it.

As for content most western countries currently easily meet or in most cases exceed the requirements for nutrition and sanitation of processed food.

Islam law forbids pork and several other meats and other items from being part of the ingredients, by itself these “special do not include” food types/items could be easily accommodated.

HOWEVER where the problems come in is the inclusion to of most of their rules which add the phrase, “. . .In accordance to shiera law.” to most every seemingly reasonable rule of the certification.

What the “in accordance to Islamic law” in part means is that a meat, a soup, a vegetable, or anything else can change from halal to haraam because of WHO the managers are, WHO handles devices, WHO places supply orders, WHO does the shipping, or even WHO grows the crops or raises the animals.

More specifically stated what religion any person involved in the process practices or does not practice can change a product from halal to haraam. And very little to do with the nutritional content of the food.

I am copying the following statement from the Islamic web site

= = = Quote = = =
“The certification process is very thorough. If a product is to be certified as Halal, then all of its ingredients should also be Halal. In addition, there are other factors that will affect the Halal status. For instance, the people involved in the production must also be Halal, and this includes the person in charge, those who order the raw materials and those in charge of packaging.”
= = = End Quote = = =

Or from

= = = Quote = = =

3. Exported meat enters Customs where it is immediately hidden from the sight of a Muslim and the exporter. This meat, which is stored on Cargo Carriers, is also hidden from the sight of a Muslim. The majority of the Custom officials and the sailors on the ships from these countries are either Mushriks, Mulhids or Christians of the present day. The Shari'ah has stated that if the meat is hidden from the sight of a Muslim for even one moment, then the meat is Haram.
= = = End quote = = =

What really makes this certification deplorable is a company getting a certification will either be forced to use only Islamic pre-approved suppliers or force its current supply and shipping chain(s) to hire Muslims to do supply and distribute their product.

There are so many objectionable things with this certification that it would take several volumes of books to explain all of them.

For instance the rules tend to say things that sound perfectly reasonable until one realizes that many of the terms have one definition in western civilized countries and a very different definition to the Islamic world. Often with no explanation or reference to what Islamic law(s) / definitions. I will give you one guess which definition is used the Kaafir's or the Muslim's when it comes to enforcement of the halal certifications.

The only thing that the Halal certification really does is drives up the price of products several times more than the retail cost needs to be.

For instance an article talking about the price of meat in Saudi Arabia said:
In Saudi Arabia, there is a large difference in price of imported and locally slaughtered meat. The imported (haraam) meat is much less expensive than the locally slaughtered (halal) meat. The locally slaughtered meat sells on average forsix to seven times that of the haraam meat per kilogram. It is for this reason, that in most Hotels, Restaurants and Hajj Tour Agencies, imported meat is served to Hujaaj.

Think about that for a moment a product that is halal and produced just a few kilometers away is six to seven times more expensive than a non-halal product of the same or better quality that is shipped from other countries . . . even with shipping costs, import/export taxes etc. The only real difference being the non-halal product does not have a lot of useless people getting paid to watch the product(s) sit in storage or other useless "jobs".

I just do not see the need to be forced to hire several extra people to that do nothing more than sit and watch a shipment so that the shipment will remain Halal. And in the process raise the price of the product to unrealistically high prices.

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Re: in islam . . . what is halal food?

Post by transferedposts » Mon Mar 09, 2015 2:50 pm

I got a lot of this information from *.PDF files some of which were not openly available online. Hopefully in time the Islamic groups will start putting in plain site ALL the requirements for their Islamic Halal certification.

Unlike other certification groups that make their requirements and standards fairly easily to find and reference the Islamic Halal certification standards are (at the time of this writing) difficult to find in their entirety. Plus the rules tend to make cryptic references to generalized standards of various Islamic texts. Making it very difficult for anyone to track down exactly what the rule is really saying.

Basically it appears to allow the overseeing Islamic inspectors/overseers to interpret any of the rules as lax/leniently or as harsh/strict as they want against anyone they choose. Yet still be able to say that they are following the rules as the regulations are written. (I suspect if the companies hire exclusively Muslims and the more that is paid to the Halal certification the more leniently the rules will be applied against the company in order to maintain the Halal certification.

As a result my next few posts about the Halal Certification rules and guidelines I am going to only discuss the High level rules that are the most clear and will affect the entire certification process.

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Re: in islam . . . what is halal food?

Post by transferedposts » Mon Mar 09, 2015 2:51 pm

This is the quote I found from the Malaysian halal guidelines other sources say essentially the same thing just changing who the enforcers are for the country.

=== quote ===


Islamic law as stipulated in ‘fiqh Shafie’ or laws as contained in any one of the fiqh of Maliki, Hambali or Hanafi which are approved by the King and enforced in the Federal Territory, Malacca, Penang, or approved by any other Ruler to be enforced in any other state in Malaysia.

The sources of the Islamic laws are the Al Quran, Hadith, Ijma’ and Qiyas. Whichever food substances mentioned in any one of these sources mentioned above, be it Halal (permissible) or haram (forbidden), is interpreted as being Islamic Law.

Since the main source of the Islamic Law is Al-Quran, all Islamic rules are also Allah's Law. It is not created by men and is not a burden to human being since it is for their own good, to have a better living in this wonderful world. It is also a tool to differentiate between those who are wise and those are not.

=== end quote ===

here is the basic guide line for what makes food halal

=== quote ===


HALAL in general term means permitted, allowed, authorized, approved, sanctioned, lawful, legal, legitimate or licit. The word ‘Food for Muslims’ or ‘food certified Halal’ or ‘Halal’ or having similar meanings can be define as follows:

a) Free of, and not made of, or containing any part or substance taken or extracted from animal which are forbidden (HARAM) to be consumed by Muslims, according to Islamic laws.

b) Not containing any substances, which is declared as filth according to Islamic Laws.

c) Not prepared, processed, produced or manufactured using utensils, equipment and / or machinery which are not free from filthy substances as directed by Islamic Laws, and

d) During preparation, processing or storage, it should not come into contact or be in close proximity with any food which do not fulfill the requirements as stipulated in Paragraph (a), (b) or (c) or any substance declared as being filth according to Islamic Law.

=== end quote ===

Pay special attention to D even during storage (this includes transportation) even close proximity with anything that is declared as being filth according to Islamic law will make the product haram (be it food, cloths, or whatever). A little footnote on something that is considered filth and should not come in contact with anything halal would include People that are not Muslims. According to Islam the worst offenders/filth would be atheists and people that worship multiple gods.

Other items that the Halal certification applies to:

=== quote ===

Halal is not only restricted to food. It encompasses anything that comes in
contact in everyday life, particularly products used by Muslim. For the purpose of these
guidelines goods that are to be used by Muslims can be divided into the following

Cosmetics items made from plants and chemicals are permissible except those
that are poisonous and harmful to health. Cosmetics made from animal sources, which
are Halal and do not contain filth are also permissible.

Clothing and equipment which are made from plants, fur/leather except from
pigs and dogs, bones from animal sources which are Halal and have been slaughtered,
animal skins which have been preserved by tanning except pig’s and dog’s skin, are all
permitted to be used.

=== end quote ===


The used of label ‘HALAL’, ‘CERTIFIED HALAL’ or any other statement, which can give similar meaning. Allowing Muslim to eat, drink and manufacture, prepar and sale in premises that are Halal for Muslims.

Notice the part about Equipment needing to be Halal. This means that if the manufacturing plant did not/does not get all of its equipment from Islamic Halal approved sources (or where possible made Halal, by Islamic cleaning or other methods) the entire process is haram and can not be certified. Thus the reason so many groups simply make separate production locations for items that they want to be Halal certified. Sadly, often these separate plants are forced to use less efficient equipment and methods because of the Islamic rules.

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Re: in islam . . . what is halal food?

Post by transferedposts » Mon Mar 09, 2015 2:53 pm

another interesting rule:

3.2 If while a Muslim is slaughtering an animal, and a person held the knife who is neither a Muslim nor a Kitaabi (People of the Book) or neither Muslim nor Kaafir, then the Zabiha is Haram. (Al Ashba Anil Khaaniya, Vol. 1, pg. 145)

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Re: in islam . . . what is halal food?

Post by transferedposts » Mon Mar 09, 2015 2:55 pm

Just one last thought when was the last time you were asked what religion you follow in order to get a job at a company? Yes in many countries that is an illegal question, but if companies are going to get and maintain this Islamic certification it will be an area of concern and the answer will start determining if a person will be hired or not.

If companies start trying to get this certification rather than telling the Islamic groups where they can stick it, we will be for all practical purposes going back to the days of forced segregation and forced discrimination in hiring. Not to mention substantially higher prices for substandard products.

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Re: in islam . . . what is halal food?

Post by transferedposts » Mon Mar 09, 2015 2:56 pm

I am going to add this reminder.

While I try to make reasonable efforts to make sure that posts quote other documentation as fairly and accurately as possible, (as always) if anyone feels that we have made a mistake or misquoted anything in this or other posts please let us know and include the source that you believe is more accurate so we can make this BBS as accurate as possible.

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Re: in islam . . . what is halal food?

Post by transferedposts » Mon Mar 09, 2015 2:58 pm

The link below links to pages operated by The British National Party (BNP). The footage used is very graphic with showing how the slaughter is done as well as how long the animals struggle after their neck has been cut by this process.

If you have a weak stomach, problems with the sight of blood or watching animals slowly dieing and going though what must be excruciating pain and suffering do not watch it.

They have edited out several very gory and, in my opinion, even more disturbing sections of what actually takes place during a Halal slaughter just showing the actual cutting and included in the frame shots the previous animals that had been cut obviously several minutes before still struggling. (If you have ever witnessed a Halal slaughter take place you will likely know what I am talking about). Even though the video has been toned down it is still very very graphic.

The link to the page containing the video footage is:

The footage is very graphic if you have problems with such things DO NOT WATCH THE VIDEO.

I should also probably say that the page and video are obviously aimed at a British audience. However the manner of slaughter as well as the time it takes and the suffering the animal goes through should be of concern no matter where one is located.

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