Teens invent STD-detecting condom

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Teens invent STD-detecting condom

Post by pokerguy » Thu Jul 09, 2015 7:54 am

Will be interesting to see if this catches on.

June 24, 2015
http://www.examiner.com/article/teens-i ... ave-health

Yes, this could definitely make for some embarrassing moments in the bedroom, but it can also be a major tool in fighting STDs. Three teens from the U.K. have invented a concept for a new condom that changes color when an STD is detected, like chlamydia and syphilis.

The name of this condom is the S.T. Eye and it won best health innovation at the TeenTech Awards in London on Tuesday. The three teens, Daanyaal Ali, 14, Muaz Nawaz, 13, and Chirag Shah, 14, are all students attending the Isaac Newton Academy in Essex, England. Because they won first place they will travel to Buckingham Palace to meet Prince Andrew later this year and they get about $1,500 in prize money, according to MSN Health News on June 24.

The teens wanted to create something for people to monitor their health in the privacy of their own homes. The teens also describe this new condom as something that will that will give the users “peace of mind." This new condom concept will allow folks to be even more responsible than ever before when it comes to precautions against STDs, according to these proud teens.

The judges were impressed with how much the boys learned about STDs during their research for this product. TeenTech chief executive Maggie Philbin believes that this is why the judges put their concept in first place, reports Fox News today.

While it is only a concept right now, the technology to make this happen is out there. A change of the condom’s color will mean that some type of a STD is detected and this might be a bit embarrassing for both partners involved, but it is knowledge that both will need to know if they are sexual partners.

A change of the condom’s color might ruin a night of romance, but that will be the least of your worries when there’s an STD detected!

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