most 'preppers' will be captured or killed.

When police, law makers, judges, government departments break and ignore the law they have sworn to uphold, then there isn't any law - just a fight for survival.

These days so many governments around the planet seem to be having a lot of trouble following their own rules, and seem to believe in selective enforcement, this section is here to try to help people find ways (preferably non-violent ways) to survive the tyranny.

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Posts: 366
Joined: Sun Jun 26, 2016 1:04 am

most 'preppers' will be captured or killed.

Post by snafu » Thu Nov 01, 2018 5:06 am

I have listened to a lot of survival preppers talk about how well prepared they are for any situation.

But I never here any talk about what they will do or how they have prepared for when they or their family and friends are captured, tortured and eventually broken or killed.

In the event of a very bad shtf situation, not having mentally prepared for the realistic fact that you, your family and/or people you are with will very likely go through levels of hell that very few can even begin to imagine is as foolish as not having a stable safe food and water supply.

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